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How do you organize your life? Do you need some inspiration
to get organized? I still love using pen and paper in a Filofax
planner. Actually keeping my planner has become a new hobby
because I decorate my pages with scrapbook and office supplies.
In previous blog posts, I showed you how I was using a sewing
theme in my Filofax this year. Now take a picture walk with me
through some of my summer planner pages! You may find some
Blankets, quilts, socks, uniforms, flags - all are items sewn for warriors throughout the centuries. Whether made by hand or machine, many relatives (usually women) have stitched items for their loved one to take with them into battle. In addition to making necessities for war, needlework has also been used to tell stories about war. One of the most famous uses of needlework to tell a story of war is the Bayeux Tapestry. Consisting of eight sections of embroidery, the tapestry tells the story of how William of Normandy conquered England at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
Does your stitching area look like this?
Do you wish it looked like this?
Those small pieces of floss you snip off at the end of a row of cross stitch are inevitable. For some stitchers, it may not be a problem. However, if you have a curious pet or children, those little snips of thread can become a real hazard.
What to do with those thread snip-its? Read further to find an
inexpensive, practical way to keep those “snip its” under control!
A previous blog post in my series, Stitching Meets Filofax, featured a variety of scrapbook supplies you could use to decorate your planner with a sewing theme. This post will focus on one of those supplies - washi tape. Keep reading to discover a variety of sewing themed washi tape you can use in decorating your planner.
A New Year --- opportunities to be more organized! A previous post featured scrapbook supplies that I planned to use in decorating my 2016 Filofax. Read more to see how I used a sewing theme to organize my planner for 2016.
Perhaps you keep a planner or you are a scrap booker. If you also do some form of needlework, here is the perfect planner theme for you.
Does your stitching area look like the picture above?
Those small pieces of floss you trim at the end of a row of cross stitch are inevitable. For some stitchers, it may not be a problem. However, if you have a curious pet or children, those little snips of thread can become a real hazard.
So, what to do with those thread snip-its ? Read further to find an inexpensive, practical way to keep those “snip its” under control!
Welcome to the AC Needlework blog. I am Anne Cole, counted cross stitch designer and owner of AC Needlework. In this blog, I will be writing about topics devoted to the art of handmade needlework with an emphasis on my passion, counted cross stitch. Topics will include tips, how-to’s, and information you can use.
So, why do I say I cannot live without stitching? Here are my top four reasons.