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What To Do With Those Snip-Its?




Does your stitching area look like this?   





Do you wish it looked like this?   




Those small pieces of floss you snip off at the end of a row of cross stitch are inevitable.  For some stitchers, it may not be a problem. However, if you have a curious pet or children, those little snips of thread can become a real hazard.  


What to do with those thread snip-its?   Read further to find an

inexpensive, practical way to keep those “snip its” under control!



Look Around the House



You can find beautiful but expensive products on the market to

safely store your floss scraps in but there are thriftier and more

practical solutions around the house that you can use. Some of the

containers I use have been a mustard jar, candy tin, scented candle

holder, and a potato can in a previous life.


Upcycle An Empty Container


You can transform a used potato chip can into an attractive snip-it

container with some Duck Tape ™ and a little washi tape. Here’s



What you will need




       Empty can

          with lid



















Duck Tape™ 













     Washi Tape






Duck Tape™ can be found at most craft stores.  A large variety

of sewing themed washi tape can be found at Etsy.





Measure and trim a sheet of Duck Tape™ to fit your can.


Before you put the Duck Tape on your can, place strips of washi tape to the sheet of  Duck Tape™.  Use any design you like.


Remove the backing of the Duck Tape sheet and wrap it around

 the can.


Smooth out any bubbles you may see.


Pop on the lid and you are ready to safely store those snips of

thread as you stitch!




See, with a few scrapbook supplies and any kind of container you

have around the house, you too can make a useful tool for your

stitching that is "cheap" (I spent less than $5) and pleasing to the

eye!  Give this quick and easy tip a try! 



© 2016 Anne Cole. All Rights Reserved.


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